
Glassdoor Research


While working at User Inspired, I completed a 3-month study to assess the effectiveness of Glassdoor's job seeker support offerings as participants used them in their natural environment.


Research Goals

Glassdoor is one of the world's largest online jobs and career community websites. They enlisted User Inspired to help them understand how to improve their capabilities as a resource for job seekers. They wanted to:

1. Understand what are notable behaviors, preferences, barriers and technologies that assist job seekers in their online search?

2. Identify needs and opportunities to inform the product design strategy.

3. Observe and understand users current job seeking processes.



Study participants were located across the United States. The project was divided into two phases.

Phase 1: Interactive diary study with 36 participants

Phase 2: Follow up 1-hour contextual interviews with 12 participants​



Due to a Non-Disclosure Agreement, I am unable to disclose more details or findings of this study. For further information, please contact me at